Endorse M.A.D. Guidelines
M.A.D., which stands for wearing Masks (M), keeping indoor Air fresh (A), and maintaining physical Distance (D), simplifies COVID-19 safety guidance into the three most important areas to address to reduce risks of contracting and spreading the virus. The M.A.D Guidelines are memorable and scientifically rigorous, as well as easily understood and implementable. Guidelines may evolve with scientific developments.
By endorsing M.A.D. Guidelines, you agree workplaces, with potential assistance from local and national government, should:
Provide masks to employees and make masking mandatory
Instruct employees on how to wear a mask correctly
Post signage to remind people to mask
Run HVAC systems continuously when buildings are occupied, and for 2 hours before and after the workday
Upgrade HVAC filtration to be the best possible standard for that system. If the system can handle it, a HEPA filter is the gold standard. Not all systems can handle HEPA filters; in that case, MERV 13+ filters are effective.
Set HVAC to 100% outside air as much as possible to bring in lots of fresh air from outside.
If there is no HVAC system, bring in portable air cleaners with a clean air delivery rate (CADR) that can handle the size of the space
Maintain a relative humidity level between 40-60%
Bring in fans to help move the air throughout all rooms
See hack here for how to create a wind tunnel to create airflow
Open the windows in all rooms when weather permits
To keep windows open in cold months, bring in supplemental space heaters
(D)istance (applicable to workplaces where essential duties of the job do not exclude distancing)
Reduce the density of employees indoors so that employees can stay at least 6 feet apart at all times
Add physical barriers to create distance, such as plexiglass, if applicable
Post signage to remind people to physically distance
Put tape down on the floor to visually mark adequate distances (6ft+) and/or to indicate individual workspaces
We take endorsements of the M.A.D. Guidelines from organizations only, not individuals. We will only share the names of organizations that sign the endorsement publicly. No individual contact information will be shared publicly.