Experts To Follow

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Science Experts

These experts share the latest information about COVID-19 and airborne transmission.

Dr. Linsey Marr


Engineering prof at VT with expertise in airborne transmission of viruses, air quality, nanotechnology. Intellectual omnivore and avid recreational athlete.

Dr. Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg


Founder Institute for Health in the Built Environment Director BioBE Center, Professor University of Oregon

Dr. Jose-Luis Jimenez


Dist. Prof. Chem. & CIRES, Univ. Colorado. #HighlyCited2021, Fellow AAAR & AGU. Aerosols, air pollution, climate

Dr. Shelly Miller


Environmental engineering professor at University of Colorado Boulder

Dr. Richard Corsi


Dean of Engineering, University of California, Davis Chair Emeritus, Dept of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering, Univ of Texas at Austin

Dr. Joseph Allen


Assoc Prof at Harvard Chan School of Public Health Lancet COVID19 Commission (Chair Task Force on Safe Work/School/Travel), Coauthor of HEALTHY BUILDINGS

Dr. Abraar Karan


Stanford Infectious diseases doc | previously Brigham Women’s, Harvard Med | global health equity, epidemiology, ethics

Zeynep Tufekci


Columnist for The New York Times. Her work focuses on the social implications of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and big data, as well as societal challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic using complex and systems-based thinking.

Dr. Kimberly Prather


Atmospheric Chemist, Distinguished Chair in Atmospheric Chemistry, and a Distinguished Professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UC San Diego.

Clean Air Crew


#CleanAirCrew #COVIDisAirborne tips & tools learned from an airborne pandemic

Julia Raifman


Evidence-based tweets from a Boston University assistant professor.