Do-It-Yourself Hacks and Guides

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You can use these tools to reduce your risk of getting and spreading COVID-19

If your workplace isn’t following some, or all, of the federally recommended guidelines for COVID-19 health and safety, there are still things you and your coworkers can do to get M.A.D. (masks, air, and distance) and stay safe!

Air Cleaner Guide - A guide to how portable air filtration devices work—and what to look for when choosing one.

Air Cleaner Guide

A guide to how portable air filtration devices work—and what to look for when choosing one.

Double Box-Fan Air Filter - This do-it-yourself hack is a relatively inexpensive way to boost air filtration if a portable air cleaner is out of your budget or unavailable.

Double Box-Fan Air Filter

This do-it-yourself hack is a relatively inexpensive way to boost air filtration if a portable air cleaner is out of your budget or unavailable.

N95 Verification Guide - Information and links to help you figure out whether a respirator is legitimate or counterfeit.

N95 Verification Guide

Information and links to help you figure out whether a respirator is legitimate or counterfeit. 

Vent Test - By identifying which vents are blowing air into a room and which are pulling air out, this simple test will help you figure out whether an indoor space has good airflow.

Vent Test

By identifying which vents are blowing air into a room and which are pulling air out, this simple test will help you figure out whether an indoor space has good airflow. 

Airflow Bubble Test  - Opening windows can be vital in spaces that don’t already have an HVAC system—but only if outdoor air is actually flowing into the room. This simple test lets you know so that you can avoid spending time in a stagnant air zone.

Airflow Bubble Test

Opening windows can be vital in spaces that don’t already have an HVAC system—but only if outdoor air is actually flowing into the room. This simple test lets you know so that you can avoid spending time in a stagnant air zone.

Indoor Wind Tunnel - Keeping the air fresh and moving is critical for reducing the risk of COVID-19. Creating a wind tunnel is an easy and affordable solution for work or home.

Indoor Wind Tunnel

Keeping the air fresh and moving is critical for reducing the risk of COVID-19. Creating a wind tunnel is an easy and affordable solution for work or home.

Rubber Band Hack - An easy way to improve the fit of your mask is by using three rubber bands to secure the edges of your mask to your face.

Rubber Band Hack

An easy way to improve the fit of your mask is by using three rubber bands to secure the edges of your mask to your face.