More than 235 million Americans will be eligible to vote this year. With the global pandemic, changes to the United States Postal Service (USPS), and civil unrest, the 2020 presidential election is shaping up to be one like never before. It’s also going to be much harder for us to vote. The risks we face during this election, including cuts to the number of polling places in urban areas, voter ID laws, and purging voter rolls in key battleground states all affect Black people, Native American people, Latinx people, naturalized immigrants, poor people, the elderly, and young people more than the rest of the population.
Casting your ballot can be done safely, but it is critical to plan ahead. We recommend this guide created by our partner Forward Together that is intended to help communities of color navigate the pandemic. To read their guide, click here.
First, make sure you’re registered to vote!
Some states allow online registration. Other states require you to print and mail in a form. Voter registration deadlines vary in every state. These resources will help you to make sure you’re registered to vote in time for the election.
For voter registration deadlines, click here:
To learn the vote-by-mail rules in your state, click here:
Vote early!
Most states offer early voting. Before Election Day, registered voters in those states can cast their votes on specific dates and at specific locations
If your state has early voting, anyone who is registered to vote can vote early
To see where and when early voting starts and ends in your state, click here:
Or, check with your state and local Board of Elections to find out if you can vote early and where
Voting early will help you avoid long lines and ensure that you’re able to cast
your vote
If you DO vote in person on Election Day:
Expect to see long lines, as we have seen from primaries in various states, and be prepared to wait
Check to see if your state offers early voting; if you vote early, you might avoid long lines and come into contact with fewer people
Wear a face mask at all times during the polling process (while waiting in line, in the voting booth, and when exiting)
Bring a bag with snacks and water (enough for a few hours), and consider bringing a portable seat so you won’t have to remain standing for hours in line
Bring hand sanitizer to sanitize your hands before and after eating or drinking while you wait
Hand sanitizer should be offered at the polling site, but it is not guaranteed
Avoid touching your face or mask and do not rest your mask on your forehead or chin—you could transfer virus particles from your hands or mask
Avoid physical contact with anyone in line, even if you see people you know. Maintain at least 6 feet (2 meters)t from others
Bring your own pen so you will not have to use one from the polling site, or use hand sanitizer if you use a pen provided to you at the polling site
Vote by mail:
If there is still time for you to request a mail-in ballot from your state, do so. It is unclear what the risks of COVID-19 will be in November. And with recent administrative changes at the USPS, there are concerns about on-time delivery for mail-in ballots. For that reason, we encourage that you apply for mail-in ballots and send them in AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to ensure your vote gets counted. Mail-in ballots are the safest way to vote to keep safe from possible exposure to COVID-19, especially for people at higher risk. Also, if YOU are positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, voting remotely will help ensure everyone can vote safely. If you cannot do so, then try to vote early to avoid long lines and wear a mask to protect others from getting the virus. Click here to find out more about how to vote remotely by mail, the USPS has launched an Election Mail website you can find here: USPS Election Mail Information.
If you’re voting by mail and are concerned about delays, you may want to try the following actions:
Err on the side of caution and vote as early as possible
Make sure to fill out the entire ballot
Make sure you sign your ballot and that your signature is the same as the one on your voter registration. Make sure you seal the envelope
Once the ballot is ready to mail in, check to see if there’s a ballot drop box in your area, and use it
If your state does not allow drop boxes, you can drop off your ballot at your local registrar or Board of Elections
Check to make sure your ballot has been counted. Many states have websites that let you track your ballot. Check your state’s website for more information
Help everyone in your network do the same, especially people who may need assistance
For more great resources to help you make decisions about voting click here.