Indoor Wind Tunnel

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Costs: $36–$44 for 2 box fans

Keeping the air fresh and moving is critical for reducing the risk of COVID-19. Creating a wind tunnel is an easy and affordable solution for work or home. This hack is especially useful if you tried the Airflow Bubble Test and discovered that opening your window alone will not bring in fresh outside air. 

  • Bring in two box fans and if possible, put the fans in windows on opposite sides of the room
    • Place one fan in a window facing into the room so it draws fresh air in from the outside
      • This fan will keep refresh the indoor air and keep it moving
    • Place the other fan in a second window or near an open doorway facing out of the room so it creates a cross-breeze that blows the indoor air out
      • This fan will pull stale air from inside and push it outside
  • Ideally, the fans should be placed in windows on opposite sides of the room to create a “wind tunnel” effect
  • If your windows don’t open far enough to accomodate the box fans, place the fans on a table or other surface at the same height as the window and as close to it as possible
  • If you only have one fan, place it in a window so it blows fresh outdoor air inside
  • If the room only has one window or box fans are unavailable, try using floor fans:
    • Place one near the window and adjust the height to the level of the window
    • Place the second fan near the open doorway and point it outward, to blow air out of the doorway (into the hallway or out to the street if its an exit door