COVID Straight Talk forKids & School

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A quick guide to help households stay safe while school is in session


All of the varying information and advice about COVID-19 might seem overwhelming or confusing. Last Mile has created these easy-to-remember tips focused on the 3 key factors that will reduce your child’s risk of getting and spreading the virus: Masks, Air, and Distance (M.A.D.). Our guidelines will help you decide whether or not your child should attend school, as well as help you advocate for best practices and safety at your child’s school. 


COVID-19 can stay in the air for a long time and may pass through vents and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) systems. It can float into your child’s nose or mouth, even if they’re not in the same room or near someone who is sick. So reminding your kids about Mask, Air, and Distance is important. Using “M.A.D.” will help them (and you) remember to do these 3 key things.

Even though we cannot make school as safe as it was before COVID-19, there are measures we can take to reduce risks. If you do not know your school’s plans, advocate for your child and ask school officials for up-to-date information.


Use these M.A.D. guidelines to make sure your kid is masking right


  • Tell your child to wear a mask when not at home. It is the most important thing for your child to do to stay safe 

    • The mask should form a seal against the cheeks, and cover the nose, mouth, and chin but should not extend over the neck

      • Easy test: If your child can blow out a candle through the mask, it is not adequate. Using a 2- or 3-ply cloth mask or well-fitted surgical mask is best

  • Make masks into fun accessories

    • Children may be more excited and willing to wear masks featuring favorite cartoon characters or those that have fun colors and patterns

  • Have your kid wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water often, and if they touch their mask 

    • Tip: Have kids sing the “ABC” song completely while they wash their hands. Wash between fingers, on both sides of the hands, and under the nails. Practice this at home so it becomes a habit they’re used to doing at home and at school


  • Don’t let your kid leave their nose or
    mouth exposed or dangle their mask from their ear

  • Don’t let your kid remove their mask to
    talk or place it under their chin or on
    their forehead

  • Don’t let your kid share personal items (eg, books, toys, school supplies, backpacks)

  • Don’t let your kid socialize with other kids unless everyone is wearing a mask

How to talk to your kid about masking

Teach kids these simple rules:

  • Wear your mask at all times while at school

  • Ask your friends to wear a mask, and say thank you to them

  • Sneeze or cough into your shoulders or elbows, even when wearing a mask

  • Never sneeze or cough into your hands

  • Always wash your hands right away if your touch your mask 

  • Don’t touch your face or mask

  • Don’t move your mask. It has to be over your mouth, nose, and chin

  • Don’t share your school supplies or toys with anyone

Ask school administrators about masks

Q: Will the school require masking for students older than 2 years, as well as for teachers and other staff members?

  • Universal masking will greatly reduce the risk of person-to-person transmission

  • If your school does not mandate masking:

    • Mask your child first and foremost

    • Advocate for masking of all children through your parent teacher association (PTA), school principal, district superintendent, and the board of education (BOE) 

    • Consider other schooling options (charter schools, tutors, home schooling) if you live in a multi-occupant household or with people at higher risk


Think about these air-quality guidelines for your child’s school


  • Advocate for classes to be held outside (weather permitting) to allow physical distancing and lots of fresh air

    • Advocate for this with your child’s school district

  • Ask that teachers open windows and doors to improve airflow in classrooms


  • Don’t let your kid stay in a confined space without good air circulation

Ask your school administrators about Air

Q: What is the humidity level in the building?

  • Maintaining a humidity level between 40%–60% is best

Q: If the HVAC system is unable to maintain that humidity level, can the school supply portable humidifiers to help maintain proper humidity levels in classrooms?

  • A portable humidifier can help maintain the ideal humidity, but make sure it is adequate for the size of the classroom


Kids should try to stay 6 feet (2 meters) away from each other
at school


  • Take your child’s temperature before they go to school and report any symptoms they have to the school

  • Keep your child home from school if they have any signs of illness, including fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, diarrhea, or if they are behaving differently than normal

  • Make sure your school is set up for physical distancing in normally crowded areas (eg, cafeterias and common rooms)


  • Don’t send your child to school if they, or anyone in the household, have a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19

  • Don’t let kids gather in common rooms
    or hallways

Ask your school administrators about physical Distance

Q: What measures is the school taking to reduce density indoors and allow
physical distancing?

  • Examples of strategies that reduce density:

    • Class sizes can be decreased so that kids can more easily stay 6 feet apart

    • Alternating days/times so that only a portion of the class attends in person on a given day, also referred to as “blended classrooms”

    • Schools can create student “pods” that only interact with each other, thereby limiting their exposure to other kids

Q: If pods of students are created, how will they be kept from mixing?

  • Each pod should stay in their own classroom apart from other pods

  • For activities in shared spaces (eg, gym, recess, lunchtime), each pod should have a scheduled time to use the space in a way that keeps pods apart

Q: Are high-touch surfaces being cleaned at frequent intervals, between class periods, and before and after school is in session?

  • At minimum, schools should implement once-daily sanitizing of desks, bathroom surfaces, etc

  • We recommend you clean and sanitize surface more frequently, especially in between classes with different pods of students

Q: What are the local COVID-19 testing requirements for teachers, staff, and students?

  • Teachers and staff should be tested at frequent intervals even if they show no symptoms

    • Schools should have a plan for this frequent testing, as well as policies on quarantining or self-isolating COVID-19–positive staff 

  • Ask if there is a plan to test students regularly. If there is no requirement for students to be tested, discuss with your pediatrician how often your child should be tested

Q: How are spaces, including outdoor spaces, being used to reduce density and allow physical distancing? 

  •  School campuses can be used for outdoor schooling

    • Classes should be held outdoors as much as possible

    • Gyms and auditoriums can be used for distanced seating

  • In some cases, middle- and high-school classrooms can be repurposed to accommodate other students. These classrooms are often better equipped with technology to handle hybrid learning


Q: How do I care for my child if they test positive for or have symptoms of COVID-19?

  • Keep your child home and away from public areas if they have mild symptoms

  • Avoid contact with people outside of your household, and make sure they physically distance from other members in the household

    • Other household members should wear masks when sharing space

  • If possible, send high-risk family members to a different dwelling (provided they can be isolated from others there so as not to expose other friends or family)

  • Call your pediatrician or HCW for advice on how to monitor your child at home

  • Generally, it is safe to give your child acetaminophen (TylenolⓇ)  for fever

  • Ibuprofen (MotrinⓇ) may also be given to children older than 3 months

  • Be sure that your child is getting lots of rest and fluids and is quarantined

Q: When should I bring my child to the ER or hospital?

  • If your child experiences difficulty breathing or fatigue, is not eating or drinking normally, is urinating less frequently, or is not behaving as they usually do, please seek medical attention or go to your nearest emergency room (ER) or urgent care facility

  • If your child has high fever, cracked lips, rash affecting the entire body, inability to stay awake, extreme weakness and fatigue, red eyes, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, swollen hands or feet, low blood pressure, or chest pain or pressure—these could be symptoms of a COVID-19–related illness called MIS-C, or multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. If your child shows any signs of MIS-C, they need to get to the ER immediately

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